
Sunday, July 23, 2017

Learning with YouTube Day 23: 10 Essential Illustrator Tips @juicefoozle #busedu #31daysofPD #personalizedPD

I spent 5 hours on the road today, so I watched this video poolside at my hotel upon arrival in Springfield. :)  As I am getting back into Adobe mode for back to school, I decided to see what I could learn new about Adobe Illustrator today. That led me to JuiceFoozle's YouTube page!

Honestly, I try to learn as much as I can about Adobe Creative Cloud programs, but it's so much! And, I teach so many programs so I feel like Illustrator is probably one of my "least mastered" programs. Nonetheless, I knew I would probably learn quite a bit on this video!

My favorite two topics (he lists 10, so totally watch it to get the rest!) are:

  1. Join Tool: This was new in one of the CC releases and since I moved from CS5 to CC2017, I wasn't aware of it. This tool allows you to merge lots of random drawn lines into one path, so you can stroke it or fill it. This is super handy!
  2. Adding Used Colors to Swatches: Loved this tip! You just select everything on the canvas, click the New Swatch Group in Swatches panel, and create a global swatch! Then all the colors you've already used will show in the panel. 
Check it out. Excellent information. 

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