
Sunday, July 2, 2017

Learning with YouTube Day 2: How to Magically Connect with Anyone @bmillermagic #busedu #31daysofPD #personalizedPD

For my second #personalizedPD effort, I watched How to Magically Connect with Anyone by Brian Miller from TEDxManchesterHighSchool.

I thought this was a good "back to school" type video because it's important early in the semester to make connections with students (though I'm certainly no magician!).

My takeaways:

  • The magician is the only person who does not see the magic; they have to take the perspective of the audience. Magic is about connecting.
  • When people feel understood, they make a connection (and are prepared to enjoy the magic).
  • It's not enough to care about someone or understand them. They have to FEEL UNDERSTOOD or CARED ABOUT. (Boy, I struggle with this one sometimes!)
  • Too often we are afraid to ask people questions because we think it would be rude; but you can adjust tone and demeanor based on this feedback. But, you must LISTEN to understand.

This made me think about first day activities. Some people are eager over-sharers (telling about their international trip or cool summer experience) and other students are unenthusiastic and want to share nothing (oh, all summer, I slept). So, making more meaningful connections might involve asking questions rather than just asking students to share. But, more importantly, listen to those students and use it later to foster that relationship and solidify the connection.

Thanks, Brian!

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