
Sunday, July 2, 2017

Learning with YouTube Day 1: Why People Believe They Can't Draw #busedu #31daysofPD #personalizedPD

Quite frankly, I'm already a day behind since it's July 2, but I'll do two today to make up for it! I've decided to do 31 days of YouTube PD in July! Simply put, I will watch a video that interests me (if I don't feel it's good enough in the first 2 minutes, I'll try something else) and provide a reflection AND a sketchnote. Sound good?

Today, I watched Why people believe they can’t draw - and how to prove they can by Graham Shaw from TEDxHull (he is the author of The Art of Business Communication). Here's my sketches, which was pretty fitting since his video teaches you to draw:

And, my takeaways:
  • Many of us don't believe we can draw; how many other beliefs and limiting thoughts do we carry around with us every day?
  • If we did challenge those beliefs, apart from drawing, what else might be possible?
  • I plan to lead off with this in one of my classes this fall on day 1, leading them with a drawing activity (knowing full well some will already be very artistic) but hoping to get them to at least think about how they might be holding back. I'm excited!

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