
Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Learned How to Zoom on my Windows Laptop! #busedu

So, I don't have a Mac and was having "computer envy" today during the EdTech Google Summit I attended this morning watching my presenter zoom in to the toolbar on the screen.

I was giving a presentation about Google Sheets and the display screen I had to use in the room was pretty small. But, other than a Chrome Extension (Zoom) which works great but is "fixed" to the top left corner, or the built-in Magnifier in Windows 10, which just looks nutty with bars all around my screen, my Windows 10 laptop just doesn't have a great option (especially when typing in formulas!).

Enter my quick Googling to locate a freeware program called Zoomit (and it's not new; this is from 2013). Anyway, it has a dynamic zoom feature... simply run it in the background and use Control+4 to zoom up and press it again to zoom back to normal.

I will say neither my Chrome Extension Nimbus screen recorder nor Screencastify would record the screen zoom (odd). But, did, though. You can see how it looked here:

Hope this helps someone! :)  If you know a better way, let me know, but this was easy, breezy, beautiful!

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