
Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Why I Work All Summer....

So many people "get on me" about going to school in the summer. First, let me be clear. I don't get up at the crack of dawn to get to work in the summer. I sleep in, roll in to work around 9:30 or 10 AM and stay only a few hours and not every day. But, the building is generally empty with few teachers around when I am here during the summer break.

So, why?

First, I am a technology teacher and keeping up with technology is not something I can "do well" by just managing during the school year. Sure, I can try to catch a random YouTube video or follow the Adobe Twitter feed during the school year and learn about a new feature, but I cannot dive in and really immerse myself in the software during the school year when I am busy trying to teach my "five prep" schedule. It's just not possible. So, summer it is. I must update myself on my technology skills, learn the new things that are happening in the Adobe and Microsoft worlds, and get comfortable with it so I can teach it when school resumes.

Second, curriculum doesn't update itself.  I'm not dissing my Social Studies and Math friends; I know you also do a ton of prep outside of contract time. But, history and math are pretty static. Business and technology are always changing and it's a disservice to my students to just continue to teach content that's a few years old. I have to update articles to match what's happening now. My projects and curriculum must reflect current industry standards and expectations. And, if I don't do it, no one will... unless I can somehow find some little curriculum elves around here (no luck so far).

Third, backwards design requires me to evaluate and update assessments OUTSIDE of school time. I give a pre-test and post-test in each of my classes. Over summer, I review the data to see what questions were low scoring. Then, I either update the assessment to better reflect what I taught OR I update my lesson on that content to better prepare students. I find it is MY FAULT if they cannot score well on my assessments and I have to be responsible to find the solution. I use Zipgrade to review item analysis and consider low scoring questions... clearly, I need to focus more on the "Principles of Design" unit on Web Design for next year:

Finally, being a teacher is part of who I am. I love to teach. I aim to do it well. Though I often feel my efforts are unnoticed or unappreciated, I don't do it for recognition, better pay, or a pat on the back. Whether my students or administration appreciate it or not, I know if I am making my best effort. Anything worth doing is worth doing well.

So, don't feel sorry for me for working during the summer. It's part of who I am. I am devoted to being the best teacher I can be and I don't apologize for it. But, don't worry. I make time for ME and my kiddos, too. I already watched the entire new season of the Flash and am a few seasons in on Heartland right now, I've seen the new Men in Black, Child's Play, and Toy Story, and I've attended a few conferences. All work and no play makes anyone crazy, right?  :)  I hope your summer is moving along beautifully!

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