Teaching Multimedia with video? Check out these tips! #busedu
I ran across this 6 minute video from some YouTubers that goes over some tips for making videos more interesting. I think I am going to show this early in my Multimedia class after I ask them to brainstorm some ideas for making videos more interesting! I'm thinking doing an easy edit the second week of class when we go over using the cameras would be good timing.
And, they do a really nice job of showing tons of B-roll on their video. My students tend to not cutaway as much as they should, so I am hoping this explanation that uses the techniques will really help get that message into their brains.
They give these tips--
1-- Go outside
2-- Record during the Golden Hour
3-- Collaborate with people
4-- Find interesting locations or events
5-- Shoot more B-roll
Thanks for sharing your article, it would be helpful for me.
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